Party Room is a win-count-based event where you get great rewards at certain milestones and compete with other players on the leaderboard for even greater rewards. In this room, both sides are given the same characters determined by the system. This event emphasizes player abilities rather than character powers. Show your talents and let your opponents see who’s the best!
This special event will be available for a limited time. You can join this event for free (1 time) with diamonds, gold or reward ads.
Party Room has 2 modes; Bomb Room and Superstar Room.
You can join this event via the "Bomb Room" or "Superstar Room" buttons on Main Menu when they are active. During the event, no league tickets are spent for matches played; these matches do not affect the league. You can enjoy playing matches without the risk of losing fans! Remember, you’re out after losing a certain amount of matches, but you will have the chance to reset your losses!
In Bomb Room, the match starts with a jump ball after each score. You can use all superpowers selected in your inventory, except the bomb. Be careful! During the match, the ball suddenly turns into a bomb and explodes randomly! Try to score before the bomb goes off!
In Superstar Room, both players will be given the same character, but you will enjoy playing with the best characters this time.
Party Room includes great rewards such as currencies, boosts, superstar character cards and chests. Remember that you won't get league match rewards or trophies while playing in Party Room.
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