My Basketball Arena account was banned. Help me, Masomo!
Your account was banned because it was associated with actions that breached Masomo's Terms and Conditions. This may include, but is not limited to, actions such as using 3rd Party software, account sharing, modifying the game services, and/or other conduct which does not comply with the Rules
Please note that all event progress and standings will reset if you get banned, and permanent bans will not be revoked or removed.
If you have any queries relating to your ban, please read the FAQ page, which may provide clarification on any queries you may have.
I was banned, but I didn't use any 3rd party applications.
There are a variety of reasons why your account may have been banned. However, in every case, it will ultimately be due to a breach of Masomo's Terms and Conditions.
Please note that Masomo has reliable detection systems that track suspicious behaviour. If sufficient evidence is available, Masomo will ban players preventing that player from negatively impacting the game experience for other users.
I would like to see proof.
To preserve the security systems currently in place for Basketball Arena, Masomo will NOT be sharing its tools and methods for finding and proving misuse and inappropriate behaviour. Masomo will also not provide you with the number of instances or the dates on which they were tracked.
Someone else was playing with my account, it wasn't me!
The security of each account is the responsibility of the owner as per the Terms & Conditions. Therefore, it is important for players not to share their Apple Game Center/Google Play games and Facebook login details with anyone or insert them into third party websites or applications and not those owned by Masomo.
But I received no warning!
Masomo reserves the right to ban an account without it being previously flagged if such action is considered necessary in the circumstances.
Can I reopen my account, unlink it from Facebook or remove my Apple/Google account?
If your account has been Permanently Banned, it will not be re-opened or reset, and no personal details on the account can be changed. Your Facebook or Apple/Google account associated with the banned account cannot be used to create a new account.
Your account can be deleted if you make a valid deletion request, but your Facebook or Apple/Google account will still be locked with the banned account due to security reasons. Please see the Masomo Privacy Policy if you have any concerns about handling your data.
I made purchases. Is there anything you can do?
If your account has been suspended or Permanently Banned (due to suspicious behaviour), you will lose all your currencies and access to your purchased items, and you are not entitled to any reimbursement, refund, or any other compensation, except at our sole discretion.
You can visit our FAQ page or Terms of Service for more information.
I was banned due to the abuse of the refund system.
When you refund any content 3 times or more, your account will be banned permanently. This action will be done automatically, and it will not be undone. Please check the Refund Details for further information.
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