Head Ball 2 always tries to find an equal opponent for you. Therefore, the system first checks your account level and moderate success in Head Ball 2 to find the best opponent. Then, as a result of these parameters, it will pair you with the most suitable opponent.
Initially, your opponents can be up to 3 levels higher than you, but this limit increases as you level up. For example, if you are level 35, it will look for the players in the +/- 5 level range. In this case, your opponent will be a player between 30 and 40.
Level 1-19: +-3
Level 20-45: +-5
Above level 45: no level limit
If you constantly win your matches, you will likely be matched with an opponent stronger or equivalent to your strength. If the system cannot pair you with a real player, you will be paired with a bot that meets your criteria.
You can defeat tough opponents by upgrading your characters, using superpowers, or even better accessories.
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