As a rule, in-app purchases are non-refundable, and certain conditions apply to any exceptions we make.
Masomo wants to keep a fair playing field and reserves the right to revoke access to any refunded content. If the money used for an order of 1,250 Diamonds is refunded, we may remove that amount of Diamonds from your account. If any of those resources have been spent before the refund, it can result in a negative Diamonds balance in your game. A positive balance can be restored by collecting resources in-game or making additional currency orders.
If a player makes 3 refunds the system automatically resets their game account. This is also the case if a player has made Diamond orders using a third-party Diamond seller in breach of Masomo’s Terms of Service.
We understand -- no player wants to find their Diamond coffers empty. Even then, removing refunded Diamonds is the only way we can reconcile the gap between a player's payments and Diamonds' balance. When you order Diamonds, it goes without saying that they are yours to keep. When payment for an order is cancelled, the opposite is true, just like in any transaction: you forfeit your claim to the refunded item.
As an online game, Head Ball 2's economy and mechanics are always the same for every player. The same applies to Diamond access. To avoid an unpleasant surprise, remember to keep your mobile device safe and locked, and never, ever share your game account with anyone.
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